
If you find that anxiety is robbing you of the ability to engage in, enjoy and flourish in your life, relationships and career; it's possible that an episode of expert therapy for anxiety will help you transform your relationship with yourself, your thoughts and the world around you. 

Best care for anxiety is quite often acheived when unencumbered by the limits of insurance coverage. Laura Schulke, MA, LPCC, PLLC is not paneled with any medical insurance companies. This practice is private pay only.

See below to read more about why this is, and opportunities for those wanting to seek Out of Network coverage or for 

current patients wishing to access a reduced fee arrangement.

Initial Consult - a non-therapeutic discussion via phone to determine fit, needs and goals

15 minutes - $0

Initial video session including intake assessment and treatment planning: 

60 minutes - $235 

Video or phone ongoing (generally weekly) sessions:

45 minutes  - $175

60 minutes - $235

Secure live chat (assessment for appropriateness needed) ongoing  sessions:

45 minutes - $90

60 minutes - $120

(discounted rates are available for current clients coming from my other practice locations)

All fees are due at the time of service.

So, here's the thing. You have insurance! 

Of course you do. I understand that it would be ideal if they'd pay for the expertise, flexibility, accessibility and deep engagement that you need from your therapist. Unfortunately, insurance contract limitations and rules tend to get in the way of therapy that is adaptive, responsive, and designed to help you flourish in your life. Insurance coverage demands that a mental health diagnosis be made to prove medical necessity for care, it dictates the duration of sessions and how many you get to have, and it forces therapists to spend a great deal of time seeking reimbursement for care versus directly engaging in helping people feel better. Additionally, insurance is beginning to limit the use of telehealthcare. 

Perhaps you've tried the online therapy platforms, too. Hoping for the accessibility, responsiveness and convenience that telehealth can offer. Since you're here, it's likely that you've also found that it can be very hard to find a good fit with a proactive, expertly trained, professional therapist that will serve as a catalyst for the transformation you're seeking. 

If the cost is a hesitation for you, let's talk. Perhaps we will find that working together is what's best for you. If we determine otherwise, I will share some resources to help you find another provider that can offer you help. 

Current patients seeing Laura at other practice locations & platforms are welcome to inquire about a reduced fee arrangement to facilitate the transition

Out of Network (OON) Benefits

Clients wishing to consider the use of Out of Network benefits are encouraged to inquire with their insurance plan about the coverage available, and any deductibles, coinsurance or limits that will apply. Laura will gladly provide a "superbill" detailing the services provided so that you can seek reimbursement for fees paid directly to Laura at the time of service. Laura will not interact with your insurance company directly, which includes sending full client files for their review. The use of Out of Network Benefits will necessitate Laura making an official mental health diagnosis, as insurance does not reimburse for conditions that do not meet "medical necessity" for care. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss any questions you may have about the cost of care, my sliding scale, OON benefits or any other hesitations you may have. Reach me directly at